Thursday, May 22, 2014

Final Stretch

It's been a long while since I posted something here. Things are going pretty well over here only that I have been ridiculously busy. I am 36 weeks pregnant! I cannot believe that I am just 4 weeks away from my due date. I have tears of joy and gratitude when I think of this precious gift from God. I am sometimes so ready to meet this little one and on other days I feel I have a million things to do. I love being pregnant and I will sure miss this wonderful feeling. I am so thankful to God. I hope and pray that our little one will continue growing and be born safely into this world.

Life is going to be hectic the next few weeks. We are moving to a bigger place. My in-laws are here and my parents will be here in 2 weeks. We have finished buying most of the things needed for the baby but my to do list never seems to end. I am still trying to find a nursing friendly dress for our baby's baptism which will be in the end of June.

I am praying for all of you. Please leave me your intenions so that I can pray for you these last few weeks. Deo Gratias!


  1. Wonderful news!! I hope you have a fast and easy delivery. :) Please pray that my husband and I be blessed with a baby biological or through adoption or both if that is Gods will :) thank your for asking for our intentions. It means a lot.

  2. So excited for you!!! My prayer request is that if our adoption is to go through that God would provide the funding. Thank you :)

  3. This is all so wonderful! So happy for you and your growing family. :) You're so kind to offer to pray for us. Will you pray that I have patience, that God's will be done in our lives, and my husband and I can become mom and dad some day? Thank you!

  4. This amazing and I am so overjoyed for you and your family. Many prayers for smooth sailing these next few weeks, and for a safe and joyful delivery!!! I too am a mother of recurrent miscarriage, and I am currently just over 5 weeks pregnant. If you wouldn't mind praying for me, that I am lay my worries/anxieties at the foot of the cross and let God/the Blessed Virgin care for my child, that would be wonderful. I am desperately grasping for peace and a sense of calm, as I have been so badly scarred by miscarriage. I am sure you can relate better than almost anyone! God bless you, and congratulations on this miracle!!!

  5. So excited for you to finally hold a baby in your arms after all of your early losses. i pray it all goes smoothly from here on out and your little one arrives safely. If you're taking intentions, I'd appreciate it if you would pray for me that we wil be able to add another little one to our family. I have experienced primary and now secondary infertility. Thanks, MB

  6. So happy to hear things are going well. Can't wait to see pictures of your precious little one so very soon. So happy for you, J!

  7. I am SO, SO, SO happy to read your posts and know you are so close to meeting your sweet baby!!! :-D continuing praying for you these last few weeks!
