Saturday, October 29, 2011

Clomid Midcycle Ultrasound

Yesterday was CD13 and I went in for my midcycle Ultrasound for the Clomid Cycle. There was a 23mm follicle on my left ovary and a few smaller ones on my right. Thank you dear Left Ovary for doing your job! And I am sorry for doubting if I ever ovulated from my left side. Back in Feb when I took Clomid for the first time, it was my left ovary which ovulated. So looks like my Left Ovary is trying pretty hard to give me a chance to conceive.

Now to the bad part. I began noticing some Fertile CM only on CD13. Usually I have around 5 days of Fertile CM. I am yet to get a positive on OPKs. I am freaking out if I will be ovulating late (like CD 17-18) and by that time my 23mm follicle would have turned into an enormous size. So my dear ovary, if you could release the little eggie in time, I would be really happy.
The last time on Clomid, I had a 20mm follicle on CD13 but I peaked only on CD 17. So I was wondering if that could be a problem. I have read about immature follicles causing problems but what about large follicles. Can it cause miscarriages due to poor egg quality or something? Maybe, I should ask for a Trigger Shot next time.

I have started Armour Thyroid 30mg and though I have been getting mild headaches, I think I feel much better on it. Vitamin D (50,000 Units) and Fish Oil have been added to my list of supplements.

I am praying and hoping that the Clomid will do the trick and I will conceive this cycle. Oh my dear Mother, please intercede to your beloved Son. He won't refuse his dear mother's request. St. Jude, pray for us.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bloodwork Results and New Findings

My NaPro doctor called me this morning with the results of my Blood Work. Praise be to God! Atleast I have a diagnosis.

TSH - 3.13 which means I have an underactive Thyroid. Also my Free T3 levels were low at 2.6. She is putting me on Armour Thyroid. No wonder I had low BBTs for the last 2 years I was charting but none of my doctors would treat me based on my BBT. I was gaining weight easily and feeling sluggish & tired. Not to mention hair loss, dry skin and other symptoms. My Free T4 levels were 1.26 which was within the normal limits.

My Vitamin D levels are extremely low at 10.4. It should have been atleast 32. I am supposed to start Prescription Vitamin D and then change to Vitamin D 5000 Units Over the Counter. Does Vitamin D cause Infertility/Miscarriage? I am so confused because during my last appt, my dr. insisted that Vitamins don't cause Infertility.

Thankfully, my Vitamin B12 levels were normal at 379.

I am still in shock. I feel sad and angry that all my previous bloodwork for TSH kept coming back normal and I wasn't treated. Could my thyroid issues have caused my miscarriages? How did I conceive if I had Thyroid problems? Given all these new findings, I consider myself lucky that I conceived. I don't know. I wish I had clear answers.

I am glad that I persuaded my NaPro dr to check my Thyroid hormones & Vitamins Levels!
I just hope these new medications along with the Clomid and Progesterone would give me a better chance. I am thankful to God for leading me to NaPro and all your blogs.

Low Progesterone
Late Ovulation
Underactive thyroid
Low Vitamin D
One Fallopian Tube...

Probably, it's times to become a patient of PPVI and get comprehensive NaPro Care.  

Lord, help me to accept your divine Will however hard it may be seem.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Appt #2 with our Local Napro Ob/Gyn

I am thankful to God that our 2nd appt with our local Napro Ob/Gyn went well. I had made a list of questions as per my Practitioner (Polkadot's) suggestion and it helped.
  • After reviewing my charts for the last 3 cycles on Progesterone and seeing my delayed Peak Days, she prescribed Clomid for 6 months. Hurray! Atleast, I have something to look forward to for the next few cycles rather than believing that Progesterone will do the trick. Since I had earlier conceived the very first cycle I was on Clomid and didn't have any adverse effects while on Clomid, she was pretty confident that Clomid would work. 
  • I asked her if I have PCOS because of my long cycles but she said my hormones tests were negative for PCOS and insulin resistance. It is slightly possible that I have a very mild version of PCOS which can cause fairly long cycles between 32-38 days. I wanted to ask her for Metformin but I forgot!
  • I convinced her to check my thyroid levels and she agreed to do bloodwork for Free T3 and T4 along with TSH. 
  • I also asked her about getting my Vitamin Levels checked and she said Vitamins do not cause miscarriage. Vitamin Deficiency can make you tired but it isn't related to Infertility. Nevertheless, she had my blood drawn to check Vitamin D and B12 levels. :)
  • I asked her about Endometrial Biopsy or anything else that would help to rule out infections but she said that biopsies help to find out the cause of Infertility but not Recurrent Miscarriages. But I read on many of your blogs how Inflammation/Infections can cause miscarriages. Wondering..
  • I also asked her if I should pursue NaPro surgery assuming I have endometriosis. She said it would be reasonable to try for 6 months on Clomid before considering a Lap.
  • Another possibility is that I may have scarring from my first surgery for Ectopic which could be affecting my fertility.
  • If I don't conceive in the next 6 cycles, DH may need to get a SA done! I think it would be better to take a bunch of vitamins.  Maybe Androvite for DH.
  • On a positive note, I have almost zero PMS and Mood Swings on the 3rd cycle of Progesterone. The first 2 cycles were from hell but this cycle is so different. I am not a miserable person and I am so so thankful to God. I hope it remains the same for the next 6 cycles on Clomid! :)
  • I am wondering about Immunology factors which could be causing miscarriages. These are some of the tests done so far with normal results. 
  1. Prolactin
  2. Testosterone
  3. TSH, LH, FSH
  4. Antithrombin III
  5. Lupus Anticoagulant
  6. Protein C
  7. Protein S
  8. Anticardiolipin Anitbodies
  9. Factor V Leiden
  10. Prothrombin 20210A (factor II)
  11. HGB (Hemoglobin) A1C Test
  12. Beta 2 Glycoprotein -I Ab IgA IgG IgM
  13. Chromosome karotyping
I would appreciate suggestions for any other tests that need to be done. God Bless~!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prayer Buddy Reveal & Updates

This summer, I had the honor of praying for JoAnna of She is a wonderful Catholic mom to adorable children and is expecting a little one in December. I admire her blog and her zeal for Catholic faith. I have learned so much about my faith from her blog.

I would like to thank J at for praying for me. I really felt your prayers the last few months specially during the Post Peak Phase when I was an emotional mess.

We still haven't decided about Dr. Hilgers. Right now, I am on my 3rd cycle on Progesterone and the woes of the Post-Peak Phase have begun. :( I have an appointment with my local NaPro Ob/Gyn this month. Hopefully she will put me on Clomid/Femara or probably do a few more blood work for checking my Thyroid, Vitamin D and other regular NaPro stuff. After the appt, we will decide if it's time to find another NaPro doctor or become a patient of PPVI. Praying that I will become miraculously pregnant and won't have to find another NaPro doctor. Yes, I still hope and trust in the Lord....... Only if I had patience!