Friday, December 23, 2011

Still Waiting

Thank you so much for all your prayers. Words cannot express how thankful I am for all your support.

I pretty much have no updates. Still waiting here. Trusting in the Lord and praying for a miracle.
I took another HPT this morning and the line was barely there. I don't know what it means but I hope and pray that the lines will get darker over the next few days. I will still cling onto hope as long as I see the faintest of faintest line.

I had my blood drawn for the beta and progesterone levels but I wouldn't be getting the results any time soon because the lab and doctors office are all closed for Christmas. The earliest I will get the results is by Tuesday.

My NaPro doctor was so excited when she heard about the positive test. I tried reminding her that the lines were really faint and that I was worried. But she told me not to worry. She said she would call in for PIO shots to the compounding Pharmacy and guess what, the Pharmacy is closed today and Monday. Can it get any better?

I am still taking Progesterone Suppositories 300mg twice a day. That is the best I can do for the next few days. I have been cramping and  feeling like I will start bleeding any minute. I pray for strength to accept God's Will. I don't know how I will make it through the Christmas Eve Mass without being an emotional wreck.

I have been praying for you my Prayer Buddy and for all you wonderful ladies who are waiting to be blessed. I have nothing to offer but the pain and anxiety and fear of the unknown. The worry that I will lose this pregnancy.

Thank you Jesus for giving us another chance. Thank you so much for this great gift of a new life. Our Lady of Guadalupe, thank you so much for giving us this undeserving gift. Jesus, I Trust in You. Please Jesus. Please. If you would give me the chance to carry this baby to term. I beg you Lord. Have mercy on us. Thy Will be done.


  1. I don't think the PIO is a compounded drug, it comes it a pre-sealed little jar. Can't your doctor just call it into a regular pharmacy, like wal.mart or wal.greens? Praying for you!!

  2. Thanks for the update. I've been thinking of you all day ever since you posted your big news yesterday. I can't believe you have to wait to get your beta number back! I understand having to wait for the progesterone number, but they couldn't get the beta to you??? Man! At least you have the suppositories. That is good. I have taken 600 mg suppositories before with a pregnancy.

    Try to rest this weekend, put your feet up, drink lots of water, and enjoy being pregnant again, Mama! I know this is all easier said than done. As a recurrent miscarriage survivor, I'd say the hardest part will be these next few days as you wait, and wait, and wait. Try to trust the Lord while you celebrate another amazing miracle...the birth of our Savior. May He send a peace over you this weekend that far surpasses our human understanding. I'm praying hard for you and Baby Blessed!

  3. Oh that's agonizing. I hope and pray that all will be well.

  4. Still praying. Thanks for the update. May you feel the peace of Christ.

  5. I am praying so hard for you. I promise to go as soon as i can to the basilica of guadalupe here in mexico and put this intention at her feet. In the meantime i am posting this intention at the basilica each day so its prayed over at 9 .am mass .every single day until you have good news from the doctors.. You can also do it in the official site of the basilica . To me it has always been a great comfort. And i have seen many miracles that can only be attributed to her intercesion.

  6. I get my PIO from my local pharmacy - CVS, just a normal chain. I agree with the above commenter - maybe you could get the prescription transferred there - usually chain pharmacies are open around the holidays. More prayers coming for you!!!!!!!

  7. I cannot image how hard this is for you right now! Praying praying praying for you!!!
